Hi, I just discovered your blog when I was searching for ideas on teaching writer's workshop in kindergarten. I really LOVE this idea and I may use it tomorrow. Thanks so much for sharing.
Good Morning!!! I totally love your writing goals poster. I was wondering if I could use your image in a presentation I am giving to teachers in Alabama? I would add a credit and link back to your blog.
I just discovered your blog when I was searching for ideas on teaching writer's workshop in kindergarten. I really LOVE this idea and I may use it tomorrow. Thanks so much for sharing.
This is fabulous! I just found your blog through Pinterest.
Thinking Out Loud
I found your blog through Pinterest too! So glad that I did!
wow! this is fantastic! i, too, found your blog through pinterest and now a follower! am going to try this out with my second graders...
I can see this being used at ANY grade. Just change the skills and plug in the names!
I agree with the last comment, I'm going to use this idea in my 6th grade classroom! Thanks!
Good Morning!!! I totally love your writing goals poster. I was wondering if I could use your image in a presentation I am giving to teachers in Alabama? I would add a credit and link back to your blog.
Would you let me know?
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