The class web page has the math newsletter for this new unit Measurement and the Number System.
We also solved some tricky pattern word problems!
We learned two dice addition games. We talked about the math strategy of COUNTING ON. If I rolled a 5 and 2, I could count starting at one, or I can start with 5 and add 2:6,7. Counting On is a quicker way to add two numbers together.
Today was the 80th day of school. The Queen of Ten came for a visit! We figured out that it is only 20 more days until the 100th day!!!!!!!!!
The Queen of 10 had us figure out the missing numbers from her cube stick. 3+- =10, 6+-=10 and 1+_=10
She gave a special homework assignment to make 80 things in the number 80. We talked about recording 40 in the number 8 and 40 in the number 0. She encourage students to make groups of ten and change the color for each group. If your child had a half day we forget to pack this sheet. I will send home a sheet this weekend in an email.
She had us count by tens with a math tool called an Acabus.
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